The U2 Workout!

So now after stuffing your face for four straight days with stuffing over Thanksgiving, you’re stuck in a recliner you can’t get out of and can barely move.  I know the feeling, but have no fear my overstuffed friends, has the U2 workout that will help shed those pounds you’ve gained eating those 12 pieces […]

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I Am Thankful For U2!

Tomorrow being Thanksgiving here in the United States, I thought it would be the perfect time to say what I am thankful for in the U2 world. I am thankful for… U2 introducing me to a map.  Without U2, I would probably still think that Sarajevo, El Salvador & Burma were cigars rather than places. Making NLOTH.  Without this bomb, […]

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U2 Confessional Is Now Open!

I haven’t prayed this much since eighth grade Pre-Algebra. I’m hopeful however, that these prayers will get answered. Hey, since we’re all praying for Bono’s speedy recovery, wants to reopen the U2 confessional. It’s been several months since our last confessional and quite frankly, you people disgust me with your sinful ways. So, […]

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