So by now, unless you’re a mole living in a hole, you’ve heard of the folks at #U2request and what they’re trying to accomplish this Tuesday, April 14th. A day where U2 fans are to tweet out their song request using the hash tag ( or as I lovingly refer to it as…the number sign) #U2request in hopes that the group will take umbrage and finally play the rarity that gets tweeted out the most. Personally, I’m hoping for something off Passengers, like Ito Okashi. Wouldn’t it be great to hear that one live????? Personally, I wish the fans behind the #U2request phenomenon dreamt out loud, a little louder. To limit this push only towards song requests is so limiting. Therefore, I’m adding on to the #U2request phenomenon by allowing fans to throw anything they want at the group in hopes of U2 honoring it and I shall name it #U2REALREQUESTS.
Here are a few I came up with so far for #U2REALREQUEST.
- I’m requesting that The Edge plays without his beanie.
- That U2 does not play any song I do not like.
- That Bono opens all shows by coming out on stage riding a bike.
- That U2 does not have a supporting act and play 4 hour shows.
- That Sharon Osborne comes on stage nightly for her public caning.
- That U2 plays at least 1 song off of Songs of Experience.
- That The Edge leaves his acoustic guitar at home.
- That U2 live streams every show.
- That U2 brings back the tiered ticket system where long time fans gets first crack at all tickets.
- That U2 allow me to tour with them free of charge to every show.
As you can see, I limited myself and showed great restraint by not asking too much. I don’t want to scare them off. So let’s join the U2 Hashtag party and support our friends at #U2request and start the new phenomenon simply known as #U2REALREQUEST! đ
The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not
necessarily reflect the views/opinions of U2 Radio.
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