U2.COM: Bono’s A to Z of 2014 – A letter to Fans

batoz_xBono takes to pen to speak to fans via U2.com. It’s long BUT a great read, did I say it was a long read? Yes.

Bono gives us some insight on his injury, his family, and friends. We get a look into Bono’s frame of mind, and he laments that his guitar playing days maybe over (maybe?). No public events planned, so scratch the Grammy appearance rumor yesterday. Bono goes on a little ramble in the middle about the unholy trinity, Quincy Jones, Oscars, Noel Gallagher, Mandela, Jesus, and finishes with Generation Z.

I think Bono likes this blogging thing. You can read the whole thing on U2.com.

I’m hanging on to that thought as 2014 has had its fair share of inclement weather here in Hewsonland. Ali’s father, Terry, had a series of heart attacks at the same time as I crashed my bike in Central Park. They don’t compare but Ali has carried a lot of water for us two men. Terry is a giant who has inspired and challenged this jack for years.

Every single day since the invention of the internet, he has sent me scientific papers or pieces of scripture or dirty jokes ending with the admonishment THINK! Conjuring the famous photograph of Albert Einstein with his tongue sticking out.

Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein
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