Bono Celebrates his 54th Birthday

May 10th,  our favorite lead singer will celebrate his 54th birthday.

Happy Birthday, Bono

I wish to begin again on a daily basis. To be born again every day is something that I try to do. And I’m deadly serious about that.
― Bono, Bono: In Conversation with Michka Assayas


The African Well Fund is closing out this year’s Build a Well for Bono’s Birthday campaign with a twist – a 24 hr. online giving event from 3:00 p.m. EST Friday May 9th to 3:00 p.m. EST Sat. May 10th. Please donate using the hashtag #Bonowell. Donors can follow results live on Crowdrise.

Please help AWF reach their $10,000 goal to fund a community-based water and sanitation project in Angola.

U2 Fans Unite!

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